Genesis Proclaimed Association

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Finding Harmony in Bible, Science and History

About GPA & Statement of Faith

About GPA

Genesis Proclaimed Association is an Non-Profit Organization that provides a forum for all peoples to discuss, study, and research the Holy Bible.   Our primary goal is to advance the understanding of the relationships between science, history, and Christianity.   All peoples of all faiths are encouraged to join the group.   As a group we believe that science does not contradict the Bible, but in fact supports biblical writings.   We believe God's word is supreme and without fault.
Science continues to make new discoveries that not only increase our understanding of His creation, but also brings His word into further understanding.   Much of God's word can be substantiated by science and history, and further research should continue to do so.
Our goal is to bring this information to everyone.   Many find that classical interpretations and teachings of the Bible contradict science.   For those, they must choose between faith and fact.   Our group was developed to help these people understand that God's word is not a contradiction of science, but an affirmation.
We hold that science as it progresses will only continue to discover truths which God gave to mankind thousands of years ago.   As mankind progresses, we hope to continue to learn how God created the universe and our own particular habitat, and it is this goal we seek.
We pray that all people come to a better understanding of God and our role in His universe.   If you feel that you can be of help to our members or wish to seek our help in finding truth, please take the time to sign up with us.   There is no fee for signing up.

Statement of Faith



. . . in the plenary inspiration and inerrancy of the Scriptures contained in the Old and New Testaments; that the Bible is the only sufficient rule of faith and practice.

. . . in one God, eternally existing in three persons: God, the Father; God, the Son: and God, the Holy Spirit.

. . . in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His return to earth in power and glory to judge the living and the dead.

. . . in the Holy Spirit, God present with us for guidance, for comfort, and for empowerment.


. . . that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are inspired by God, and are to be considered just as much a part of the Scriptures as any other part of the Old or New Testament.

. . . that the Scriptures can be and ought to be clarified and illuminated by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the observed workings of nature, and by scientific and historical discovery.

. . . that where discrepancies seem to exist we need to hold those parts of Scripture in abeyance, honoring them, but avoiding controversy by interpreting them in a way that is inconsistent with what we can observe in nature, verify through science and history, or perceive by comparison with the rest of the inspired Scriptures.

. . . that scientific methods have validity, and can be applied to elements of our faith.

. . . that science cannot sit in judgment of Scripture, but can only illuminate and clarify to keep us from making mistakes in interpretation that could cause our brothers to stumble.